Creating a driveable vehicle in Unity - tutorial

I created a tutorial for Unity last night. I figured I would share some knowledge I’ve gained along way, mostly from other contributors on the forum. This tutorial will have you up and running in 20 minutes with a fully driveable vehicle, full on physics and fully tweakable settings. You could use this to create a racing game, a stunt game, or just vehicles for your game. Thought I’d give back to the community a bit.

Thanks, this should prove to be interesting especially to those who haven’t done a similar experiment :slight_smile:

I hope it helps a few people get started who want to make a car driving game.

I am hearing-impaired. Can you give me step-by-step instructions? I have 3DS MAX instead of Maya.

Great tutorial, thanks!

can this work on android devices?? if you change the input to a touch joystick

Is it possible to make this for android?

Well this is just a tutorial to get the vehicle driving…I didn’t cover anything about input or your GUI choices. All I can say is this vehicle does work on the Android and iOS devices, as I’ve tested it myself. You’ll have to figure out your own control scheme and GUI graphics.