Hi everyone, I’ve been trying for some hours to find a solution to this problem but I can’t manage to…
What I want to design is a kind of head-up display : when the player approach some items (that are tagged) and has them on the screen, I want a Texture2D to appear on the screen in front of the item using the GUI.
But for now I just managed to count the items within a fixed distance that are in the screen (I don’t want to care about the ones behind me for example). Now I want to add the Texture but I fail at it
I hope one of you may be able to find where is the problem !
Here’s the script I use :
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class GUIRadar : MonoBehaviour
public Texture2D RadarLock; //2D Texture of the radar square that msut go in front of the items
public GameObject Controller; //First person controller that gives the Horizontal rotation
public float[] radarWidth; //Radar square width and height on the GUI
public float[] radarHeight;
public float[] radarXPos; //Radar square position on the GUI ("in front" of the items)
public float[] radarYPos;
public float xPosCoef; //3 coefficients used to adjust the position and size of the radar square on the GUI
public float yPosCoef;
public float sizeCoef;
public float alphaX; //Angles between -the player looking direction and the "0"
public float betaX; // -the player->item ray and the "0"
public float deltaX; //The difference between those angles
public float alphaY; //Same here for vertical axis
public float betaY;
public float deltaY;
public float XviewingAngle; //Allowed angles to display the radar square
public float YviewingAngle; //i.e. : if the player looks too far away right from the item it's useless to display the square since it's out of the screen
private int itemsNumber; //Just a count of the directly visibles items
private string numberOfItems; //Same but in string format
private GameObject[] PossibleInteractionItems; //GameObject list to get all the items in view that got tagged
private RaycastHit hittedItem; //To colect information of the RayCast
private Ray ray; //To set the direction of the ray
void Awake()
PossibleInteractionItems=GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag(Tags.interact); //I collect every items with the wanted tag
private void OnGUI()
//--------------------THIS THING DOESN'T WORK
for(int i=0;i<itemsNumber;i++)
GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect(Screen.width/2-radarWidth<em>/2,Screen.height/2-radarHeight<em>/2,radarWidth_,radarHeight*),RadarLock);*_</em></em>
* }*
* //----------------------*
* GUI.Label(new Rect(Screen.width/2+50,Screen.height/2,50,50),numberOfItems);*
* }*
* void Update()*
* {*
* itemsNumber=0; //At each frame I set everything to 0*
* radarWidth=null;*
* radarHeight=null;*
* radarXPos=null;*
* radarYPos=null;*
* foreach(GameObject item in PossibleInteractionItems) //For each tagged item*
* {*
* if(Vector3.Distance(transform.position,item.transform.position) < 5f) //if the item’s distance is under 5*
* {*
* ray=new Ray(transform.position,new Vector3(item.transform.position.x-transform.position.x,item.transform.position.y-transform.position.y,item.transform.position.z-transform.position.z)); //I set the Ray direction : from my player to the item*
_ betaX=Mathf.Abs(Mathf.Atan(ray.direction.x/ray.direction.z)/(2Mathf.PI)360); //I collect every angles informations_
_ if(ray.direction.x<0)
if(ray.direction.x>0 && ray.direction.z<0)
if(ray.direction.x<0 && ray.direction.z<0)
* alphaX=Controller.transform.eulerAngles.y;*
* if(alphaX>180)*
* alphaX-=360;*
* deltaX=betaX-alphaX;*
_ betaY=Mathf.Abs(Mathf.Atan(ray.direction.z/ray.direction.y)/(2Mathf.PI)360-90);
* betaY=180-betaY;
* alphaY=-transform.eulerAngles.x;*
* if(alphaY<-180)*
* alphaY+=360;*
* deltaY=betaY-alphaY;*
* if(Mathf.Abs(deltaX)<XviewingAngle && Mathf.Abs(deltaY)<YviewingAngle) //and check if the item is in the screen*
* {*
* Debug.DrawRay (transform.position,ray.direction,Color.red,0.001f); //for debugging purposes ^^*
* Physics.Raycast(ray, out hittedItem);*
* if(hittedItem.collider.gameObject.tag == Tags.interact) //If the item is in direct view (not behind another obstacle)*
* {*
* //-------------------THIS DOESN’T WORK TOO*
_ radarXPos[itemsNumber]=deltaXxPosCoef;
radarWidth[itemsNumber]=(Vector3.Distance (item.transform.position,transform.position))sizeCoef;
radarHeight[itemsNumber]=(Vector3.Distance (item.transform.position,transform.position))sizeCoef;
* itemsNumber++; //But this work : I got the right amount of items in the screen with a distance under 5*
* }
numberOfItems=itemsNumber.ToString(); //To display it in the OnGUI()