Creating a kind of head-up radar display

Hi everyone, I’ve been trying for some hours to find a solution to this problem but I can’t manage to…

What I want to design is a kind of head-up display : when the player approach some items (that are tagged) and has them on the screen, I want a Texture2D to appear on the screen in front of the item using the GUI.

But for now I just managed to count the items within a fixed distance that are in the screen (I don’t want to care about the ones behind me for example). Now I want to add the Texture but I fail at it :frowning:

I hope one of you may be able to find where is the problem !

Here’s the script I use :

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class GUIRadar : MonoBehaviour
	public Texture2D RadarLock;		//2D Texture of the radar square that msut go in front of the items
	public GameObject Controller;	//First person controller that gives the Horizontal rotation
	public float[] radarWidth;		//Radar square width and height on the GUI
	public float[] radarHeight;
	public float[] radarXPos;		//Radar square position on the GUI ("in front" of the items)
	public float[] radarYPos;
	public float xPosCoef;			//3 coefficients used to adjust the position and size of the radar square on the GUI
	public float yPosCoef;
	public float sizeCoef;
	public float alphaX;			//Angles between	-the player looking direction and the "0"
	public float betaX;				//					-the player->item ray and the "0"
	public float deltaX;			//The difference between those angles
	public float alphaY;			//Same here for vertical axis
	public float betaY;
	public float deltaY;
	public float XviewingAngle;		//Allowed angles to display the radar square
	public float YviewingAngle;		//i.e. : if the player looks too far away right from the item it's useless to display the square since it's out of the screen
	private int itemsNumber;		//Just a count of the directly visibles items
	private string numberOfItems;	//Same but in string format
	private GameObject[] PossibleInteractionItems;	//GameObject list to get all the items in view that got tagged
	private RaycastHit hittedItem;	//To colect information of the RayCast
	private Ray ray;				//To set the direction of the ray
	void Awake()
		PossibleInteractionItems=GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag(Tags.interact);	//I collect every items with the wanted tag
	private void OnGUI()
		//--------------------THIS THING DOESN'T WORK
		for(int i=0;i<itemsNumber;i++)
			GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect(Screen.width/2-radarWidth<em>/2,Screen.height/2-radarHeight<em>/2,radarWidth_,radarHeight*),RadarLock);*_</em></em>

* }*
* //----------------------*

* GUI.Label(new Rect(Screen.width/2+50,Screen.height/2,50,50),numberOfItems);*
* }*

* void Update()*
* {*
* itemsNumber=0; //At each frame I set everything to 0*
* radarWidth=null;*
* radarHeight=null;*
* radarXPos=null;*
* radarYPos=null;*

* foreach(GameObject item in PossibleInteractionItems) //For each tagged item*
* {*
* if(Vector3.Distance(transform.position,item.transform.position) < 5f) //if the item’s distance is under 5*
* {*
* ray=new Ray(transform.position,new Vector3(item.transform.position.x-transform.position.x,item.transform.position.y-transform.position.y,item.transform.position.z-transform.position.z)); //I set the Ray direction : from my player to the item*

_ betaX=Mathf.Abs(Mathf.Atan(ray.direction.x/ray.direction.z)/(2Mathf.PI)360); //I collect every angles informations_
_ if(ray.direction.x<0)

if(ray.direction.x>0 && ray.direction.z<0)
if(ray.direction.x<0 && ray.direction.z<0)

* alphaX=Controller.transform.eulerAngles.y;*
* if(alphaX>180)*
* alphaX-=360;*

* deltaX=betaX-alphaX;*

_ betaY=Mathf.Abs(Mathf.Atan(ray.direction.z/ray.direction.y)/(2Mathf.PI)360-90);

* betaY=180-betaY;


* alphaY=-transform.eulerAngles.x;*
* if(alphaY<-180)*
* alphaY+=360;*

* deltaY=betaY-alphaY;*

* if(Mathf.Abs(deltaX)<XviewingAngle && Mathf.Abs(deltaY)<YviewingAngle) //and check if the item is in the screen*
* {*
* Debug.DrawRay (transform.position,ray.direction,,0.001f); //for debugging purposes ^^*
* Physics.Raycast(ray, out hittedItem);*
* if(hittedItem.collider.gameObject.tag == Tags.interact) //If the item is in direct view (not behind another obstacle)*
* {*
* //-------------------THIS DOESN’T WORK TOO*
_ radarXPos[itemsNumber]=deltaXxPosCoef;

radarWidth[itemsNumber]=(Vector3.Distance (item.transform.position,transform.position))sizeCoef;
radarHeight[itemsNumber]=(Vector3.Distance (item.transform.position,transform.position))sizeCoef;

* itemsNumber++; //But this work : I got the right amount of items in the screen with a distance under 5*
* }
numberOfItems=itemsNumber.ToString(); //To display it in the OnGUI()

I think you are doing a whole lot of work here that could be done much simpler, but it would take more understanding of your game and this code to advise you on that simplification. But in terms of your question, one problem I see is that, you are calculating radarWidth and radarHeight in world coordinates but you are attempting to use them as GUI coordinates. There are four coordinate systems used in Unity: GUI, Screen, World, and Viewport. You can use the Camera class and the GUIUtility class to convert between them.