Hi, I know this question has been asked and answered many times. I went through 20 pages of search results and couldn’t find an answer to my problem. Here’s my script:
import System.Collections.Generic;
var cnt : int;
var Player;
var InventoryArray;
var Inventory;
var gold;
var icon : Texture2D;
var showGUI = false;
var showarmorGUI = false;
var showweaponsGUI = false;
var showmiscGUI = false;
var storeInventory = new List.<Item>();
var Items : Items;
var playerInventory;
//private var playerInventory : InventoryList; // reference to the inventory
function Start() {
playerInventory = GameObject.Find("GUIElements").GetComponent("Inventory").inventory;
function UpdateStore() {
for(cnt = 0; cnt < Items.StoreInventory1.Count; cnt++) {
function OnGUI() {
if(showGUI == true) {
GUI.Box(Rect(250,60,265,30),"Welcome, stranger. What can I get for you?");
for (cnt = 0; cnt < storeInventory.Count; cnt++){
GUI.Button(Rect(300,40*cnt,40,30),"" + storeInventory[cnt].ToolTip());
That’s what I have been able to put together so far. I marked the line where the error occurs. I know that wont work, it’s just the last thing I tried before I gave up and came here. It says no appropriate version of 'UnityEngine.GUI.Button for the argument list (UnityEngine.Rect, Item) was found. Item is the class the list inherits from. Can someone give me a little idea of where to go from here?
Edit: I finally figured it out. I just added a tool ToolTip to the end of it and created a function in the Item script to return the name. Yay me.