Creating a map like Pokemon Go

Is there anyone who can help me find some asset/documentation using which I can create a map-like interface for a game like Pokemon Go? I am curious as to which asset, if any, they used to get the interface of the game up and functioning without any errors (almost!). By interface I mean the game interface where the map is laid out based on your location info and other details. I know getting your gps coordinates in an android device may not be a great deal, but to get an accurate and interactive map of your neighbourhood is quite a marvel.

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Will this help?

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Video looks like it could be interesting, but I didn’t watch it yet. Pokemon go probably uses Google maps api, which allows you to grab a section of the map based on the coordinates. Now, they may have a deal worked out with Google as the cost can get high depending on the number of calls you need to make.

Unity has recommended a different option in WRLD Unity SDK | Modeling | Unity Asset Store which I’ve looked at, but haven’t had much time to play around with to see how well it works. There are also other assets on the unity store that can allow you to setup a pokemon go type game.

You could take a look at: