Creating a Meshcollider

I have been trying to create a model with a different model as a mesh collider. I can’t find anywere where this particular subject is beeing explained. I would be really glad if someone could guide me on how to do this.
To cut my question down to the bone, I want to:

  1. Create a “visual” mesh, in Maya
  2. Create a Collision mesh, also in maya.
  3. Import both into Unity and add the collision mesh to the Visual mesh.

Thanks for your time reading this :slight_smile:

Maybe you could place the 2 meshes in your scene, and remove mesh renderer component of the collision mesh ?

This way you have your visual mesh, without collider, and your collision mesh, with collider (but without renderer, so you don’t see it).

Drag the visual mesh onto the mesh filter slot. Drag the collider mesh onto the mesh collider slot. (Or use the popup menus for either.)


yea… thats what ive been thinking as a backup solution… but was kinda hoping for some magic sollution for it :slight_smile: Thanks for your answer

Again, thank you guys for helping me with this. Ive captured how I solved it. if you have better ways or other sollutions, dont hesitate to tell me :slight_smile: