Creating a nightvision effect?

How could I create a nightvision effect with a green tint and pixelated noise that would make all illuminated objects appera very bright?

I would do it using full screen post processing effects, however you'll need pro if I understand the licenses correctly.

If you are able to use them, you could check out this night vision shader. That should give you an idea of how it works.

Also, if you have pro you could combine multiple premade effects. Combining, the greyscale, glow, and noise effects should get pretty close to what you're after (only it'll be grey).

Barring that I'm not sure there's a good way to fake it. I suppose you could swap the textures out for green versions or use shaders (available in non-pro unity) to tint the textures and add noise. I'm not sure how you'd go about the glow though.

That should get you started. Hope it helps.

Good luck!

If you don't have pro, you could use RenderWithShader or SetReplacementShader when you want the night vision. You couldn't create a glow effect as easily, but you could create a render tag for the objects you want illuminated. Then create a replacement shader that adds whiteness to the object to make it appear illuminated.

For other objects, you could have a different replacement shader that only partially brightens the object.

For both of these you could desaturate the texture and create a grayscale image.

i'd draw a semi-transparent green box over the camera and add a point light to the player... might work

The way i would possibly do it ( Because i suck with coding and understanding unity ),

Would be to put a semi-transparent green image over the camera or even as a GUI texture. Then change the skin/textures on the enemies to something that glows

Im sure theres a better way of doing, but this is one of crappy cheap ways of doing it i think..