Creating a Respawn Timer

I’ve created a waypoint script that is attached to a player where the Spawn point changes when a player hits a trigger and that works fine. The problem I’m running into is creating a certain time for a player to respawn. I’ve created a coroutine that yields for a few seconds but that isn’t working. Can anybody help me with this simple problem?

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class Waypoint : MonoBehaviour {
	public Vector3 Pos = new Vector3(89.83092f,-167.0952f,342.0801f);
		void OnTriggerExit (Collider playerCollision)
	if (playerCollision.CompareTag("trap"))
			StartCoroutine( Coundowndeath());
       		gameObject.transform.position = Pos;
	else if (playerCollision.CompareTag("Checkpoint1"))
      Pos = playerCollision.transform.position;
	else if (playerCollision.CompareTag("Checkpoint2"))
       Pos = playerCollision.transform.position;

	IEnumerator Coundowndeath()
 	yield return new WaitForSeconds(2f);
	void Start () {


"…Coroutines are complicated overkill if you just want something to happen in the future. You may tie yourself up in knots by forgetting to start them properly in C# or just get confused over what they are for. If you are starting Unity and you want something to happen in the future forget the coroutines for now and follow this advice.

Just for the sake of it, here is a way to create a timer:

float timer;
int waitingTime;
void Update(){
    timer += Time.deltaTime;
    if(timer > waitingTime){
       timer = 0;