Creating a simple database - c#


I’m making a simple game that I eventually want to be multi-player where trivia questions are displayed and every player has to answer.

In order for that i’m going to need some kind of database that all the players have access to.

I’ve been doing a lot of research and hunting around and still don’t think I’ve found the best solution yet.

Does anyone have any advice on this or know of a tutorial that can get me rolling?


For a simple database system, I’d go with XML, See this, if you go to the end, I linked to a nice summary and some tutorials from thenewboston to get you started.

It depends on how in-depth you want to go. For a simple trivia game, XML may very well be the answer. If you need a more robust solution, look at SQLite. SQL will give you more control over your data, but is a bit bulkier than a flat XML for smaller amounts of data. Maybe try both and see how performance and footprint is with each option.