Hi there. I got a small issue “sticking” my game objects.
I created a flat surface (circle) that should be the base of my scene. The “speciality” is that this ground isn’t fixed but is itself sitting on a pillar and should be able to rotate. So far so good. Now on this surface I have another GameObject I want the player to be able to move. (velocity + rotation)
Now my problem is that I want that game object to “stick” to the surface while still be able to move it around. So I want to be able to move the object relative to the surface but not in height. Because the surface is moving itself I cannot simply lock the Y-Axis to achieve this.
Because this is way harder to explan than to show there is a little Video. (instead of the car bouncing it should stick to the surface at all time)
As you can see the vehicle “bounces” and I can even fly up into space at some degree which I do not want. All four wheels should always be in contact with the platform.
I tried chracter joint as well as Hinge Joint. with no good results.
Thanks for helping me with this