I was wondering, how does one set a terrain ABOVE sea level when creating the terrain? I want to dig lower with the sculpting tool but my new terrains are always set as low as they can go preventing me from digging deeper.
I don’t really use terrains, but in the past I go in with the set-height brush and set the whole terrain to either 200 or 400 height. Something like that. That way I have plenty of room to raise or lower the terrain depending on what I want to do.
Yes this is what I have been doing as well. This time was a bit different as I needed to make the terrain with a Heightmap and using the method you mentioned above loses my terrain data.
Thanks for the reply anyways.
You can offset the terrain yourself in code, either as an editor script or at load time if you prefer.
This script takes the existing Terrain and lifts all of it up by X units, then moves the Transform of the Terrain down so it all looks the same, and yet can be dug deeper.
The purpose of this script is to let me do terrain deformation with grenades and bombs:
That’s pretty wild that you can’t just set the y position of the game object. I don’t use the terrain system either; I export them to meshes instead.
Actually, yes you can, and it will have the effect you think.
The underlying design assumptions of a terrain don’t go away however.
Terrains go from heightmap 0 to heightmap 1. That’s it.
How far up or down that goes is purely a function of the height property.
If you start with heightmaps of 0 (as a default terrain does), you cannot go down.
That’s what the script I posted above addresses, by lifting the entire terrain up a little ways while moving the y position down.