I’m using URP in single pass mode.
I’m trying to make a shader that will let me see through an object like a portal to a different part of the scene.
To do this I have a stereo camera at some remote location that is rendering to a render texture:
public Camera portalCamera;
public Material mat;
private RenderTexture rendTex;
IEnumerator Start()
yield return new WaitForSeconds(1f); // XRSettings arent updated right away so I wait for a second
rendTex = new RenderTexture(XRSettings.eyeTextureWidth, XRSettings.eyeTextureWidth, 16, RenderTextureFormat.ARGB32);
rendTex.vrUsage = VRTextureUsage.TwoEyes;
portalCamera.targetTexture = rendTex;
mat.SetTexture("_Texture2D", rendTex);
In shader graph I have a simple shader that samples the render texture in screen space on some geometry:
The end result looks almost correct, but something’s off. It kind of looks like the left eye is rendering to the right and vice versa based on the weird parallax I see. Anybody know how to do this correctly?