Creating an editor for my game

I made a 2D jump’n’run game with unity and would like to create an editor for other people.
It shouldn’t be a problem to make the editor but my problem is to save or load these level. Is there a possibility to save the current scene as a new scene?
Then I could just destroy all editor objects in the scene and save it as a level.
If not: Has anyone any other idea?
The second problem is to load that scene. Is it possible to load a scene, which is not included in the build?
The reason for the leveleditor is that I have some people willing to help me with the leveldesign but they have no idea about unity…

I’m not sure (actually I doubt it) that this is possible , but I think that usually you would want to have all the gameObjects (or pieces of the level) as preFabs… just have the player spawn and move the prefabs as he wants to and keep track (like make a list, for example) of all this information (prefab name, location, and anything else you might let the player change).

Once the player wants to save the level, just go through the list that contains the level information and save it on disk as a regular file. If you want to load the level, just have the player select this file and go over all the info in the file ind instantiate and place objects based on the file content.

At last I was planning on doing it this way.

So you most probably will want to look into writing/reading files and figure out how to keep track of the things that the player will be able to do in the editor as well as saving the data properly. This way the you should get tiny files that are easy to share.

The only real problem I see with this approach is that instantiating all the prefabs and placing them in an empty scene will take some time… basically meaning that those levels will probably take some time to load.

Hope this helps.