Our goal is to create the best possible resource on the internet for learning how to create 3D games. Unlike any other game development tutorial series out there, this tutorial series will teach how to create an entire, fully featured 3D adventure game completely from the ground up! Anyone will be able to follow along with this series and gain a solid grasp and understanding of coding, 3D modeling, textures, 3D animation, project managment, level design, game design, and many more aspects of video game creation! There are absolutely no required skills or knowledge to follow along with this series. This series will be teaching everything starting from the very basics. On top of all that, all the tools that will be used in this tutorial series is already free and available on both PC and Mac!
Wait, you’re saying the Ultimate GameDev Tutorials will teach how to make an ENTIRE GAME? Every tutorial will lead up to one finished product, Inbotrination! A 3D Adventure Platformer! And what better way to make sure it is a fully finished fun game than to release it for free for anyone to play! 2+ hours of fun, engaging gameplay. An adventure of climbing buildings and fighting robots! Most game developer’s first games are a clone of Pong. With these resources, your first game will be epic!
Can’t wait to get started? Check out the sample tutorials, How to create a Shoot em Up:
YouTube Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLfAMZpOjTmpYgBnejkatsvI2_zKhBiQQd
I also do a lot of game development livestreaming on Twitch.tv/ETeeski
If you have any questions, please let me know! I would love to talk about and share this project with you!
And just like any indie who wants to take their project to its maximum potential, we’re on Kickstarter! (ends May 31st, currently 76% to the funding goal!)
KICKSTARTER: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/eteeski/ultimate-gamedev-tutorials-make-your-first-video-g
To promote the final days of the kickstarter, DanielSND and I will be doing a 3-day 15-hour game jam together! Comments on the youtube video will decide the theme!