Creating Custom Buttons

Okay, at first you might think that this should be in the GUI section, but this is coming from more of a scripting point of view…

Okay, I have a psd of a button I would like to incorporate in my game. However, I have no clue how I would make this a button. Right now, all I use is the standard Unity GUI buttons which I’m starting to dis-like.

Here is one of the buttons. It is a 160x50 image.


Download and add the default skin to your project:

Then give it a good study to see how it was created. Then make a copy of it and edit the copy by adding your custom graphics.

The next thread down in the GUI section has some sample custom skins that might be worth looking at also.

Thanks for the quick reply, but I don’t see them on the page. I have been to that page along with the custom skins page before and have seen the attachments, but neither are showing up. Do you have a mirror for them or could you send them?

Never-mind, it works now. That was weird…but thanks!