Creating First Game Anxiety

Hi All,

Even writing this causes major knots in my stomach. I am not sure why but over and over again I have my mind set on starting this dream I can create a game but only to allow life hurdles get in the way and I just park it. It destroys a piece of me every time I do this. Everyday, I would fire up Unity website and just continually see these awesome improvements, stories, tips and just get lost in it all.

I think to myself, maybe I could start something with someone, have someone babysit me through it all, a group but I know deep down I would just disappointment them and find some lame excuse to bail on them when it gets to much.

I watch loads of tutorials but it is physically impossible to sit there and start. There is like a massive fear stopping me creating. I know I have ideas but I am the first to shut myself down.

I am inspired by the “Your first game” series and have taken notes on keeping it simple, stupid (K.I.S.S.).

I am hoping that this is the moment I can push through this fear and can go beyond. I want to create games.

I can do Ironman races, I can push myself to the limit but I can not overcome this paralysing fear that really is stopping me being creative, stopping me experience another lifelonging passion.


Your first game is going to suck. Make something you don’t care too much about, and move on. You have to release multiple titles to get good at this game.

Here is my first game, and as you can see, its a poorly made knock off. But it leads to skills to make better games.

My second game is miles better. But still along way off being a hit.

My third game is currently still on my hard drive. But you can bet its going to be better again. And so forth till I make the perfect game or get bored and move onto another hobby.