I wanted to create a basic Line Chart like this in Unity 3D:
I know there are many tools but I cant decide which to choose. The chart can be displayed in 2D in Unity 3D or as 3D. I also want to input live data in the chart so that the line continually actualizes. Is there any tool (Library, free Assets etc.) for that to make that happen? I am new to Unity so please dont be that harsh on me
Thanks in Advance
You can do this with a line renderer. You just assign horizontal points based on the resolution you want and calculate their positions based on a value from an array or list or whatever.
Doe it mean they donโt work?
Which one you tried?
I donโt think you tried them.
You can download each of them and test if works for you. If they for free, you have nothing to loose.
Or learn how to use line renderer, as posters above suggested.