Thanks for the explanations - I think I am understanding it now (and got a fair bit of it to work, as per other thread). I plan to proceed using Scene Activation as that would seem to allow me to share a scene (with baking etc) more easily.
Feedback: Creating a new scene was trivial. Loading an existing scene took a little head scratching (I ended up adding a Scene Activation Track, adding an activation clip, then in the Inspector panel selecting the scene from there - doable, just took me a bit to work out the steps.) You might consider a “Add Scene” alongside “Create Scene” in the right button menu to make it a bit easier if possible.
“It won’t re-instantiate every Sequence Asset /Game Objects that could have been previously added to the structure though, is this a limitation for you?” - I think it is fine. It was more a matter of understanding ways of making it work. I now have two approaches: scene activation and creating a new master sequence per location (and adding the set to the master sequence). Once this was clear, I don’t think I need to add the master sequence to a new scene any more thanks.
“I understand that you would like a way to re-open a Master Sequence Scene without having to search it in the Project view by hand, is that right?” Yes, that would be convenient. I forgot the scene name I used once, and I had to reopen each scene one by one until I found the right one again. (In a real project I would be more disciplined over scene names to align them with master sequence names, so while convenient it is not mandatory.)
“Missing GameObject bug” - cool, will try reloading when I come across it.
Your welcome to the feedback if helpful. Its just one voice, and I am still working through it all, but I can see a path forward now that makes sense - so thank your for the time explaining it too! I am revising this blog post as I learn more.
If you want ideas for the future, because I am planning to use animation clips, what would be nice is a way to make them easier to manage (in addition to giving me the option somehow to make a character use a timeline per sequence asset prefab variant OR an animation track for the character). In particular, I have “global” clips for characters (e.g. “sit on chair”), clips for a specific character (e.g. a stylized walk for a specific character), and clips for a specific sequence (recorded via mocap capture). I use avatar masks and override tracks to combine them - so its a little complex. Somehow associating animation clips with characters in the Structure panel could be nice… (but I have not thought it through completely).
Related, I am using EVMC4U at the moment which requires me to do some manual steps to manage animation recordings. E.g. I have to move the clips around myself into the right directory. Might be relevant to your facial virtual camera support too. (Is it really called “virtual camera”, just like Cinemachine virtual cameras? Confusing!)