Creating or removing an Enumeration file problem

Unity editor is not responsive while creating the ET4GSmokerState enumeration file as below:

  1. There was the ET4GSmokerState.cs enumeration file which was added in Blackboard asset.
  2. Some of the items were no longer needed, so I removed them using Visual Studio.
    That’s because there was no way editing it in Behavior Graph editor.
  3. I found that deleted items were still exposed in Blackboard and Graph.
  4. I removed the ET4GSmokerState.cs file first from Project window then removed it from Blackboard asset.
  5. I created new one with the same name then Unity editor was down.
  6. When I restarted Unity editor, a folder with the same name was created.
  7. I tried to create it again, then Unity editor was down again…

Thanks for the report @MOBILIN,

I will make sure a bug is created for this.

I did create a ticket for this, but after QA tested on our main branch we found we had already fixed it so we have closed the ticket.

The next patch 1.0.7 should contain the fix.

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