Creating plane with Mesh


I’m trying to create a simple plane with 32x32 tiles using the Mesh-class
It works like a charm although I would like to share vertices between tiles.

How can I do this, anyone have a simple algorithm to share or recommend?
Right now I’m doing this, but as I said, it creates 4 vertices/tile…

                        var mesh : Mesh = new Mesh();
			var vertices = new Array();
			var triangles = new Array();

                        vertices.length = tiles.length * 4; 
			i = 0; 
			for (var tile : Vector3 in tiles) { 
			   vertIndex = i * 4;
			   vertices[vertIndex] = Vector3(tile.x, 0, tile.z); 
			   vertices[vertIndex + 1] = Vector3(tile.x+1, 0, tile.z); 
			   vertices[vertIndex + 2] = Vector3(tile.x, 0, tile.z+1); 
			   vertices[vertIndex + 3] = Vector3(tile.x+1, 0, tile.z+1); 

			triangles.length = tiles.length * 6; 
			i = 0; 
			for (var tile : Vector3 in tiles) { 
			   triIndex = i * 6;
			   vertIndex = i * 4; 
			   triangles[triIndex] = vertIndex + 3;
			   triangles[triIndex + 1] = vertIndex + 1;
			   triangles[triIndex + 2] = vertIndex + 2;
			   triangles[triIndex + 3] = vertIndex + 2;
			   triangles[triIndex + 4] = vertIndex + 1;
			   triangles[triIndex + 5] = vertIndex;

			mesh.vertices = vertices; 
			mesh.triangles = triangles;

tiles is an array with Vector3 objects…

Any suggestions? I can’t seem to wrap my head around this :frowning:

Vertices have to be separate because of UVs anyway if you were planning on texturing each tile arbitrarily, so you probably don’t want them shared in this case.
