I just start to learn Unity (really newbie), so I just start following step-by-step tutorial.
The problem happened when any instruction to create “Tile”, because the menu not available.
I don’t know which version of Unity the tutorial used, but I just installed Unity ver. 2019.2.17f1.
Any body can help me, where can I find the “Create > Tile” menu is?
Uh oh, it looks like your package manager does not pick up the 2D Tilemap Editor package somehow?
I am not sure why that is the case unfortunately, but if you have any special conditions set for your set up, such as restricting internet access for the Unity Editor, that would be helpful to know!
As the 2D Tilemap Editor package comes with the Unity Editor installation, in your project, could you add the following line to the “Packages/manifest.json” file under the “dependencies” block, and see it that helps?
"com.unity.2d.tilemap": "1.0.0",
The comma at the end of the line above may not be needed if it is the last entry of the dependencies block.