Creating Tower Block Game

I’m creating a tower block game and i had a problem,
i wanna the block directly fall down in the same position x when i make the block fall,
but the game environment physic make the block fall aside,
it cannot fall down straightly,
anyone can help?
The velocity cannot for that.
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You could freeze the x/y/z rotation and it’s x position and then unfreeze it when it comes in contact with another block. That would cause it to fall down in the place it was instantiated but allow poorly placed blocks to fall of if the physics permitted them to.

Edit. Forgot to mention the toggles are on the rigidbody. You’ll probably want to look at this.

I hope that helps.

I had see the freeze part at constraints but still no clues for that.
Any else?

Use the constraints in the rigidbody component.

How should it put?
In the script or in the inspector part?

In the Inspector, the very bottom option on the rigidbody is an arrow that opens up the ability to freeze the XYZ of an objects position and rotation.

hi, could you send the code of the game tower blocks please, cause im in a activity now and i’ve to send it in one hour