Creating triangles around a mesh using an array of vertices

I’ve got an array of vertices from a cube i made using right click hierarchy->3d Object → Cube.
How do I use those vertices to map a triangle int array? I tried this, but the results are not good:


I think that you should Debug.Log the vertices to make sure that you don’t mix them up. I can see that the grey triangle on the right-middle is not perpendicular to the rest.

After you have all the vertex positions, start creating the triangle array, but keep in mind that you need the right winding order. If the 3 vertices are in a clockwise order, the triangle will be front-facing, otherwise it will be rear-facing. I think that’s why some of the triangles are missing - they are actually there, but they’re facing the opposite direction. You can actually see one of your triangles facing towards the camera despite being on the other side of the cube.

You should check out Eric5h5’s example here (4th reply).