Creating UI Elements in 2D

Why, when I create text, buttons, or some other UI element, do they appear gigantor and way off in space while my scene is very tiny way down in the corner?

Why aren’t they visible in the scene pane along with every other game object?


Select the canvas and set it’s render mode to screen space - camera, drag whatever camera you are using into the render camera bit… should be good to go ! :slight_smile: … you can adjust the distance from camera with plane distance.

UI Canvas

Edit: or if you need it in world space you can adjust the scale… setting it to camera should alow you to adjust the size interactively though using the cameras size if it’s orthographic, or viewing angle / distance etc if it’s perspective, then swap back to world space and the canvas should stay at it’s new size

Hmm… Pretty sure I tried that, and it made UI elements vanish from Game pane. Didn’t make them show up in Scene. I’ll have to poke at that some more.

it is the only thing that comes to mind, though I have very limited experience with gui… I do recognise the “what the hell, why is my object 10 light years from the actual camera” :smile:… have no idea why default canvas is so large… for one scene I am working on the canvas scale after setting it to camera space is 0.0134… lol, it was only 100 times the scale of the scene :)…

make sure you drag a camera onto the camera bit for it to know what camera to use

Edit: this is in a game engine where the scale of objects effects how rigidbodys work… god knows how many headaches default canvas size has caused :slight_smile:

I don’t know what I did wrong when I was trying it before, but it works! Thank you! :slight_smile:
