Creating UI via for() is not working

Hey Guys,

This is my Scriptable Object:

using UnityEngine;

[CreateAssetMenu(fileName = "New Skill", menuName = "Skill")]

public class Skill : ScriptableObject {

    public new string name;
    public bool isLearned;
    public float damage;
    public float cooldown;
    public float range;
    public Sprite icon;

And this is my Script for creating the UI:

using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;

public class SkillSelection : MonoBehaviour {


    public List<Skill> skill;
    public GameObject button;
    public List<GameObject> buttonList;
    public Text skillText;
    public List<Text> skillTextList;

	void Start () {

        for (int i = 0; i < skill.Count; i++)
            Instantiate(button, transform);

            Instantiate(skillText, button.transform);
            buttonList_.GetComponent<Image>().sprite = skill*.icon;*_

skillTextList_.text = skill*.name;*_

if (skill*.isLearned == false)*



The Script is attached to a Panel in the Scene and 4 Objects of the type Skill + a Button- and Text-Prefab are attached to the Script.
What I want the Script to do:
-Create an instance of the Button-Prefab for each Skill attached (4 in this case)
-Child the Prefab to the Panel so its position gets sorted via the Grid Layout
-Change the Sprite of the Prefab to the corresponding Sprite set in the Skill-Object
-Create a Text with the name of the Skill and Child it to the Button
-Disable the Button if the isLearned Bool is set to false
What the Script currently does:
-Creates 4 Instances of the Button(as a Child of the Panel)
-The Sprites of the Buttons are not in the correct order (4,1,2,3) instead of (1,2,3,4)
-No Text is created for Button 1, 1 for Button 2, 2 for Button 3, and 3 Texts for Button 4
-After 1 playtest, the Prefab itself is disabled, not allowing me to do another test unless I enable it manually.

To child the prefab: GameObject gbButton = Instantiate(button, transform);

To set the sprite: gbButton.GetComponent<Image>().sprite = skill*.icon;*
To create a text with name of skill and child it to button:
GameObject gbText = Instantiate(skillText, gbButton);
gbText.GetComponent().text = skill*.name;*
To disable the button if isLearned is false:
if (skill*.isLearned == false)*
And then add everything to the lists: