I am fairly new to using Unity5 (2 months) and I am creating a multi level hotel room in conjunction with the HTC Vive. I have a few questions I hope ya’ll could answer.
Lightning seems to be a big issue, we have gone from baked lights (but we want realtime shadows) to mixed to realtime. Is there a best practice for using lights? When we used Mixed we had about 5 lights per room and 6 rooms, so 30 lights and the system was just bogged down so much it couldn’t handle it. I’ve also heard to bake some of the lights so then only a few new to be Mixed or realtime? Could Emissive shaders be used ot replace the lights?
Also, does anyone know of any good renderers we could use? We tried the Lab Renderer and it came out great but after 3 lights they all started blinking. Do we need a new renderer or is the Unity one sufficient?
Any feedback would be very beneficial!