Did someone play with the Senz3D from Creative? And, more in particular, do someone know if there is some Unity wrapping/plugin to interface the hardware from Unity?
Looks like it costs the same as a kinect or xtion pro sensor, has a little better rgb camera, and harder to use since kinect and xtion pro already have wrappers for unity.
If you’re looking for body tracking extreme motion has a good sdk built on opencv that does tracking from any rgb webcam without depth sensor. They give half a dozen unity scene examples and it’s about as good as the kinect at skeleton tracking.
MS Kinect has a wrapper on asset store for free, same as the asus xtion pro sensor has openNI/Nite package free in asset store.
For face tracking in Unity visage has a good sdk that uses a simple webcam.
Im curious to know how the senz3d compares with the other options…