The package will come with an example map! But maybe not 20 rooms!
Work in progress: The most important thing to do when you build those kind of showroom based on a old technology (stone), is to avoid at maximum the “rorschach effect” on the textures…
It’s a constant battle!
Another work in progress…
3D Scifi Kit 3 update (WIP), new spaceship UNC “Falabella” on the way! Need to work on the cockpit interior now!
I re-worked a bit the exterior lightning to make it more “smooth”. And some new props are now integrated!
I also included some GUI elements like circle rings etc always usefull to show “something”
For the tetris lamp, it was made only with a cube! This kit will get some updates, like my others scifi kits But the updates will be oriented always to “presentation”.
Yeah that glow! In this package i’ll provide some small scene for noob, to help them to create quickly a project!
For this kit, i’ll include more than one texture stylish! (A clean version, and a light scratch version)
Here is a test with a metal painted, with light scratch. I like it!
It allow you to mix the textures between them to customize the rendering for your needs! (a clean diffuse, but with a dirty metal map, or normal map etc)