One of the big advantages of using TextMesh Pro which uses a different technique to render the text, is the fact that the text will render cleanly at any point size or resolution even as you zoom in to it.
If you take a look at the following video (around 2:00 minutes) you will see how the text remains super clean as I zoom in.
The video also show how you can dynamically style the text to get virtually an unlimited number of visual styles out of any given font asset.
While I appreciate the work that has gone into TextMesh Pro, I’m a bit surprised that everyone seems to think it is the be-all, end-all solution. Rendering some crisp text shouldn’t be that hard with Unity out of the box.
@blizzy also creating Nested Prefabs should be very easy along with the other things UT haven’t gotten round to yet and all the missing UI controls (in some peoples opinion).
In regard to Text, UT are aware of it and plan to replace it, although no roadmap or timeline has been published yet. It’s coming… eventually
Thanks everyone for the responses. Dynamic Pixels Per Unit worked for now but I’ve bookmarked all your links in case I need something more fine tuned in the future.