CRITICAL! a bug in unity ruined my game!

Hey, using 2020.2.0f1, urp, everything was fine, untill I added post processing and created a post processing layer, now I got a new invisible camera that I can’t find and remove!

as you can see in the image, I removed my only camera, (and the gameobjects so you can see more easily) and I still see the game through a bug camera, I did not create the camera and it does not exist!!! when I make a new camera it still switched to using this one when I hit play, help!!!

EDIT: unity is the best game engine in the world, it’s the best! I JUST HAd A CAMERA TAG ON MY LIGHT

The “invisible” camera is probably inside the DontDestroyOnLoad scene in your hierarchy.

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Thanks for the response
It’s not there

It is invisiable, it’s a bug in unity, there is no way I’m the only one that got this bug

Are you sure it’s not just attached to one of the other objects in the scene?

Try searching for cameras in the hierarchy with this search string:
t: Camera

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Use dreaded FindOfType to find if you got Camera on scene.
Your object might have HideFlags.HideInHierarchy set.


oops, don’t kill me, I’m sorry, I’ll stab myself with a fork, I’m sorry, I had a camera component on my light


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