Critical TextMeshPro Bug marked as won't fix!!!

We have been patiently waiting for this bug report we submitted a while ago to be fixed after it was marked as confirmed.

Now it has been changed to won’t fix!! Unity Issue Tracker - Sprite in the TMP Text field is not rendered when the text gets out of the game view

This is a CRITICAL part of our game and we have built a large part of it on top of that, with the assumption it would work as expected!

The text literally doesn’t show up if the center if it’s not present in the game camera view!?! That’s just straight up broken functionality, you can’t just leave it and move on! This is why Unity is losing market share to Unreal.

Please take another look. Surely it can’t be that hard to just have a better check for whether any part of the text is in the camera?

The issue seems to be caused by the meshrenderer on the submesh just getting disabled. how about you just don’t disable the mesh renderer at all, or just make 100% every part of the bound is out of camera view

What if UnReal bought Unity to clobber it? The failures are growing faster than the fixes. I havent seen any answer/solutions yet on the threads I am watching.
I have been watching for 2 years now and have stopped pushing to Android since the push doesnt go.
I am not here to fix problems thrown over the wall. I want to work on what I need to work on AND watch others create too.
With the build fiasco ongoing I dont see happy people any more.
Doesnt answer your problem but things need to be said.
I hope you get an answer.

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I can reproduce the bug but shouldn’t you just modify the width/height or the rect transform or the margins (the yellow rect) to make it fit?

Multiply the character/sprite size by the quantity of chracters via script.

it doesn’t work for my use case, it’s all spawned and sized programmatically.

My workaround is to detect if the submesh’s mesh renderer is disabled in update() and if so set it to enabled…
so seems like the bug is caused by a stupid optimization that is just wrong.