[CRITICAL] Unity 5.3 is DEAD. Reinstall doesn't help

All of a sudden my Unity started to crash every time I run it.
I am not talking about running game, but just launching application
Running different scene within Finder doesn’t help

Bug reporter doesn’t show up
The whole thing is dead
without a reason

Trashing the whole Library let unity run again
but I’ve lost two hours reimporting
Also with graphics emulation enabled unity will freeze on scenes with baked lightmaps
To make issue even more annoying Unity will re-enable Graphics emulation

I do appreciate fixed lightpobes, but so far 5.3 been a crash-fest for our whole team

Hi Almakos,

I have kind of the same problem when baking lightmap, Unity just hang and the bug reporter just stuck to appear :
The log said :
Warning: Shader ‘Standard’ exceeds the number of texture image units, marking as unsupported.

And then hang with loading cursor.

The work-around like you said is to disable Graphic Emulation in Edit Menu.

this issue happened couple more times to me recently
and only way to revive unity was to reimport whole library from scratch
3 hours wasted
which 5 hours of work time wasted just for this issue alone