I was waiting for this. Forgive me if I seem too harsh here, that’s not my intention.
“The Narrative Campaign features a casual story. The gameplay builds up slowly, but culminates into massive battles that will test your endurance and focus. Victory will be hard fought, but glorious!”
This is a nothing burger. What is the casual story? Why would I be interested in your narrative campagin if I know nothing about the narrative? Details. What is “gameplay?”
“The Strategy Campaign gives a no-nonsense nose dive right into old school strategy gameplay. Hardcore gamers can challenge themselves for a perfect Golden Goblet playthrough. Tighter, highly focused gameplay means every small decision is critical.”
The existence of this paragraph and the delineating description being “old school strategy gameplay” implies that this is a completely different type of gameplay from that featured in the narrative campaign. Is this actually the case? If it is, you need to make it more obvious in the previous paragraph how the gameplay is different. If it isn’t…why is thisseparate?
In addition, why is this a “campaign?” The word “campaign” has narrative connotations, even in its most generically military of definitions, yet you introduce no narrative element here and do not justify the distinction from the “narrative campaign.”
“Tighter, highly-focused gameplay” has two problems. The more nitpicky is that the first modifier is a comparative (tighter) while the second is not (highly-focused). The less-nitpicky problem is that you’re throwing shade at the narrative campaign here by implying that it’s unfocused. This sentence should be something more like: “building on the foundations of the narrative campaign, the stakes are raised such that every decision is critical, no matter how small.” of course…this only matters if there’s a meaningful difference between the strategy campaign and the narrative one, and that hasn’t been shown.
“Unique, highly detailed unit figurines, based on authentic 10th century artworks and mythology.”
Details. Give me details. “Mythology” is absurdly broad.
“Simple interface. The whole game can be played using only the mouse.”
Should be “entire,” not “whole.”
In addition to the above, your “About This Game” section doesn’t have the high-level description that’s next to the images at the top…and I’d still say that one isn’t detailed enough. Your images very clearly show demon-type creatures, but the closest thing to context for this that we have is “Devilish Fiends Doth March In Evil Crusade.” Consider looking at the Phantom Doctrine or even the Mutant Year Zero pages for some great introductory material.
I saw a comment by Angrypenguin about font size, but for the first image and a couple others, your text isn’t centered relative to the “backboard” or whatever.
I am really, really not a fan of screenshots 8 or 10 (and a couple others are iffy too). While I like the idea of the different hues, especially the red where the demons appear, it’s almost impossible to distinguish what’s going on at the center of the fray. Those screens aren’t readable (for 8 in particular it’s very difficult to tell where the demons are versus the “good guys”). I’d prefer it if the color of the characters contrasted in some way with the background.
Additionally, if you look to the Mutant Year Zero or Phantom Doctrine pages you’ll see that both have very clear pictures of not just gameplay UI in their screenshots, but also active gameplay, showing things like a skill in action, or the possible actions a player can take during a turn, showing how the game is played. You have a bit of UI, but I have no idea what that means for gameplay. I have no idea what actions an arbalist can take.