Hi everyone, i’m having some problems building to iOS even though my project builds to android perfectly fine.
UNITY 5.0.0f4 free
Here is the error message i’m receiving when trying to build:
Cross compilation job Assembly-CSharp.dll failed.
UnityEngine.UnityException: Failed AOT cross compiler: /Applications/Unity/Unity.app/Contents/PlaybackEngines/iossupport/Tools/OSX/mono-xcompiler-wrapper.sh --aot=full,asmonly,nodebug,static,outfile=“Assembly-CSharp.dll.s” “Assembly-CSharp.dll” current dir : /Users/NAME/Desktop/New Unity Project/Temp/StagingArea/Data/Managed
result file exists: False. Timed out: False
Mono Ahead of Time compiler - compiling assembly /Users/NAME/Desktop/New Unity Project/Temp/StagingArea/Data/Managed/Assembly-CSharp.dll
- Assertion at mini-arm.c:4771, condition `cfg->code_len < cfg->code_size’ not met
at UnityEditor.MonoProcessUtility.RunMonoProcess (System.Diagnostics.Process process, System.String name, System.String resultingFile) [0x000df] in /Users/builduser/buildslave/unity/build/Editor/Mono/BuildPipeline/MonoAssemblyStripping.cs:113
at UnityEditor.MonoCrossCompile.CrossCompileAOT (BuildTarget target, System.String crossCompilerAbsolutePath, System.String assembliesAbsoluteDirectory, CrossCompileOptions crossCompileOptions, System.String input, System.String output, System.String additionalOptions) [0x0033c] in /Users/builduser/buildslave/unity/build/Editor/Mono/BuildPipeline/MonoCrossCompile.cs:318
at UnityEditor.MonoCrossCompile+JobCompileAOT.ThreadPoolCallback (System.Object threadContext) [0x00000] in /Users/builduser/buildslave/unity/build/Editor/Mono/BuildPipeline/MonoCrossCompile.cs:52
I have absolutely no idea what any of this means so if someone could help a simpleton to understand it, that would be great.
After searching online I came to the conclusion that this means there is an issue with one of my scripts. So i created a new project only importing scripts which i have written, leaving out everything else and the problem is still there. (Confirming my conclusion)
I have no compiler errors or warnings (pre building) so i was wondering if anybody knew a way that i could find out exactly which script is causing the issue.
It’s a large project and many of the scripts depend on each other, making simply deleting each one and rebuilding quite an undertaking. However if there is no other way i suppose it’s the only option.
Thanks in advance for any help!