Cross Platform Input Controller Not Working on Mobile Device

I have used Unity’s Standard Assets - Cross Platform Input Control to create Dpad as per my game requirements.

I have following this video tutorial for implementation:
How to move character or game object in Android Top Down Unity game with UI Buttons? Easy tutorial.

I have just imported Cross Platform Input data within the project, as like this only because of other things not useful to me.

Now to move the 2d player character, I have used this code:

  horizontalMove = CrossPlatformInputManager.GetAxisRaw("Horizontal");
  verticalMove = CrossPlatformInputManager.GetAxisRaw("Vertical");

4 Dpad buttons, I have a setup like this way:

After using the above code to get input for player movement, within Unity Editor, I can able to move my player but within the mobile device, I can’t able to get any values.
For horizontal and vertical both values, I was getting 0 as output.

Now give me some guidance to solve mobile input related solution based on Dpad buttons touch.

you can use

Old question but maybe you have to switch to android build and if you so, if have to enable mobile control from the toolbar menu