Crossfade between lighting conditions with light probes

Hi all!

I have a scene where a bright, day lit environment drops into Night like darkness and I was wondering is there a way to deal with light probes in such a case? it seems that they are still taking the lighting information from the bright lit scene.
Is there a way to crossfade between two lighting conditions?


You could either:

  1. Load a new set of light probes from another scene with the scene additive mode. But this is an instant change
  2. Realtime GI with Enlighten did updating the light probes over time. I think this is/was the best method.
  3. Custom code solution that you update the color values in the light probe by your own: See this discussion for more intel: Any Runtime/Dynamic Baking Options - or are any coming?
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Hey thanks for that @Bordeaux_Fox ! Hehe nice avatar :stuck_out_tongue:
Yeah I may have to rethink things a little. Do you know by any chance how light probes are applied at a shader level, is it like emission or something?