Crosshair centering problem

Ok iv been puserling over this last night and most of today my code makes logical sences but dose not work. My cross hair will center on the x axis but not on the y (x = width y =height). Iv put in the Debug.log to see what the valuse are and it says that the Screen.height is 598 which sound right but as soon as I do any calculation to it (change it to the varible screenY) it changes to 20 or 60. The reason i say or is becasue it changes when i change the varible name??? (please tell me im not going crazy)

Debug.Log("full->" + Screen.height);
var screenX = Screen.width / 2;
var screenY = Screen.height / 2;
Debug.Log(screenY + "<-half full->" + Screen.height);
var hudCrossHair : GUITexture;
hudCrossHair.pixelInset.x = screenX;
hudCrossHair.pixelInset.y = screenY;

If you are wanting to give a exact placement to the center I would not even worry about doing all this calculations to center it using pixel inset… why not just use transform?

Just position the crosshair transform to (0.5f,0.5f,0);
The reason why I am saying this is because transform goes with % of the screen width,height instead of pixels. if you set it .5 it should be right at the center.