I'm curious to know how to implement a crosshair of some sort.
Quite new to Unity so apologies XD
I'm curious to know how to implement a crosshair of some sort.
Quite new to Unity so apologies XD
Okay, this is easy.
Make a new JavaScript, and place this into it - called it GUICrosshair:
var crosshairTexture : Texture2D;
var position : Rect;
static var OriginalOn = true;
function Start()
position = Rect((Screen.width - crosshairTexture.width) / 2, (Screen.height -
crosshairTexture.height) /2, crosshairTexture.width, crosshairTexture.height);
function OnGUI()
if(OriginalOn == true)
GUI.DrawTexture(position, crosshairTexture);
Next, create a Game Empty within your scene, and drag the GUICrosshair script into it. Next find/make an image of a crosshair you want, and drag it into Unity, then into the Texture2D target.
Play the game, you will now have a GUI crosshair in the centre of the game
NOTE: if you have maximize on play, or resize your game screen whilst playing, your GUI will go all funny. This is just a bug in Unity - this will not occur when you export it as a game.
This is a simplified version of the above code in C# for anyone that finds this question. The timeScale part is only if you have a pause menu that sets timeScale to 0 and you don’t want the crosshair drawn in the menu.
public Texture2D crosshairTexture;
public float crosshairScale = 1;
void OnGUI()
//if not paused
if(Time.timeScale != 0)
GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect((Screen.width-crosshairTexture.width*crosshairScale)/2 ,(Screen.height-crosshairTexture.height*crosshairScale)/2, crosshairTexture.width*crosshairScale, crosshairTexture.height*crosshairScale),crosshairTexture);
Debug.Log("No crosshair texture set in the Inspector");
In fact, there is aproblem in your script:
var crosshairTexture : Texture2D;
var position : Rect;
static var OriginalOn = true;
function Update() // Start will only get the screen size once. it will not refresh it. the turn around is to use function Update() instead.
position = Rect((Screen.width - crosshairTexture.width) / 2, (Screen.height -
crosshairTexture.height) /2, crosshairTexture.width, crosshairTexture.height);
function OnGUI()
if(OriginalOn == true)
GUI.DrawTexture(position, crosshairTexture);
A more efficient solution with no code required:
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java script:var crosshairTexture : Texture2D;
var position : Rect;
static var OriginalOn = true;
function Update() // Start will only get the screen size once. it will not refresh it. the turn around is to use function Update() instead.
position = Rect((Screen.width - crosshairTexture.width) / 2, (Screen.height -
crosshairTexture.height) /2, crosshairTexture.width, crosshairTexture.height);
function OnGUI()
if(OriginalOn == true)
GUI.DrawTexture(position, crosshairTexture);
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@script ExecuteInEditMode()
var crosshair : Texture2D;
function OnGUI () {
var w = crosshair.width/2;
var h = crosshair.height/2;
position = Rect((Screen.width - w)/2,(Screen.height - h )/2, w, h);
if (!Input.GetButton ("Fire2")) {
GUI.DrawTexture(position, crosshair);