CrossPlatformInput doesn't work

Hey guys, I’ve tried a google after google after google, checked Unity Manuel don’t know what else to do.

I’m not exactly sure how to make this work.

I drag and drop (any of the prefabs) into the scene, I have the standard assets FPS Character Controller on my level. It’s marked as Mobile Input Enabled.

I’ve tried leaving it the way it was player and Crossplatform prefab on the scene = didn’t work.
I’ve tried parenting Crossplatform onto the FPS Controller = didn’t work.
I’ve tried Parenting FPS Controller onto Crossplatform = didn’t work.

I’m not exactly sure where else to go from here.

Any help, I would be greatly thankful for it!

Anything ideas anyone?

Or if someone can better explain to me how this crossplatform stuff works.
Because it’s just plainly not working for me whatsoever. I’ve been tying to figure this out past couple days on my own, and still can’t understand how to make it work.

Yeah right, I had issues with this too. Only tried on android though.
I got it to register my input and move a character, but the virtual joystick always reset it’s (0,0) position to the lower left corner of the screen, so I could only move up right.
Hacked in a manual offset, but that’s not a very good solution. Haven’t put much time and effort into that tohugh.

How do you get it to register input? That’s the part I am not fully understanding with the read-me that comes in it?

check if your Player settings (in my case android player) have:

and Mobile input on the menu bar is set to “enabled” so “enable” is greayed out.

Then of course have a control prefab in the scene.

An in my case i used the unity 3rd person controller prefab

aaand i think that’s it.

That’s what i’ve done, and it still doesn’t work lol.

Okay, I don’t know why, but I applied a canvas scaler to it, and now it works lol.

N1warhead, when you say you added a canvas scaler to it and it worked. What do you mean exactly? Just to the project or under a parent? I am still pretty new, but I am having the same problem you did. I just cannot figure out what you meant by adding a canvas scaler. I appreciate the help! Thanks!

I suspect that the addition of the Canvas Scaler component somehow also added an EventSystem component. That is what is missing from the prefabs and is required to make any inputs work. Add an EventSystem object (GameObject/UI/EventSystem) and you should start getting input. Note that only ONE control can accept input at a time, which makes these useless for me. :rage:

Um, I don’t think that’s right. I have two joysticks for example. Or you can be using one joystick and touch a button, etc etc. Is that what you are saying doesn’t work? Works for me.