CrossPlatformInput touch controls not working

Hi guys, with unity 5 they added, what seems to be, a pretty useful asset to manage inputs from different platforms. So I tried to test it:

  • I imported the RigidBodyFPSController
    prefab in the scene, wich also is in
    the standard assets, and the
    MoblileSingleStickControl prefab
  • I switched platform to android and connected my device running unity

Now in the menu bar there is a MobileInput entry, when it’s disabled I’m able to control the player with mouse and keyboard, while, when I enable it, mouse and keyboard get disabled and I’m prompted to use touch controls…but they won’t work.

I’m sure that my device is not the problem as I used unity remote before and both input and “stream” work fine, also if I use tilt control in the assets they work fine while gui buttons won’t.

Any suggestions? Thanks!

Step to step using Standard Assets :

  1. Add ThirdPersonCharacter, MobileSingleStickControl prefabs.

  2. IMPORTANT : Add one EventSystem to Hierarchy (Hierarchy panel > Create> UI > Event System) . NOT activate any "Allow Activation On … "

  3. Now must work. But the joystick have a bug putting it at bad position. For fix, open joystick.cs inside the object and change OnEnable () to Start()

Tested on 5.0.2f1

I found the solution here :