crouch Uncrouch speed with animation curve

I have a little bug in my game and I want to be sure that no one can use this.

I let the CharacterController shrink and get bigger with a Mathf.Lerp function.
that works fine but I want that he stands up slow and get faster till the endsize…

I thought I could use a animation curve to solve this problem but I dont know how to use one and I dont find something useful un the internet.

here is the code I use for the crouch uncrouch so that the character dont fall through the ground.(the code is not complete I just copied the important parts)

    function Awake()
    	chMotor = GetComponent (PlayerMotor);
    	ch = GetComponent (CharacterController);
    	tr = transform;
    	height = ch.height;
    function FixedUpdate()
    var h = height;
    if (isCrouching == true)
    	h = 0.5 * height;
    var lastHeight = ch.height;
    ch.height = Mathf.Lerp(ch.height, h, 6*Time.deltaTime);
    tr.position.y += (ch.height - lastHeight)/2;

There is a script on this post that uses an animation curve to control a light:

The basic idea:

  1. Create a public variable of type AnimationCurve in your script.
  2. In the inspector click on the curve and modify it to the shape you need.
  3. In your source use Evaluate() with values between 0.0 and 1.0. You get back the height of the curve at that point.