Crouch walk animation

I am making a first person shooter, but you can see the body when looking down. I am using keydown and keyup to trigger animations, my question is, if the player is holding “control” to crouch, then also “w” or any direction, how do I combine these so that when they press “w” it doesn’t just play the normal walking animation. How do I script a hold control + wsad to walk while crouching.

Here is a script example:
function Update()
// Plays the _____ animation - stops all other animations
function Update()
// Plays the _____ animation - stops all other animations

Please format your code using the “101010” button.

bool ctrlDown = false;
    void Update() {
         if(Input.GetKey(KeyCode.LeftControl)) {
             ctrlDown = true;
          if(Input.GetKeyUp(KeyCode.LeftControl)) {
             ctrlDown = false;
         if(Input.GetKey(KeyCode.W)) { 
            if(ctrlDown == true) {
            else {