March 28, 2022, 3:02pm
Hello again. I took the time to investigate the issue, and have assigned it to texturing and streaming team. Hopefully, they will take a look at it soon.
The reason why Crunch Compression is not working in newer Unity builds for WebGL, is due to a recent change in texture formats used by the WebGL platform. Prior to 2020.3, WebGL used DXT compression for both lightmap and directionality textures. In 2020.3, lightmap textures started using RGB9E, while directionality textures still used DXT compression. In 2021.2 editor versions and newer, lightmap textures now use BC6H compression. Both RGB9E and BC6H are not compatible with the Crunch Compression algorithm. Only DXT and ETC are .
Thank you for the update.
I hope they have see the quality loss by using Crunched DXT1/DXT5 (even in windows/mac/linux) because it’s impossible to use it with a quality like this. Only Compressed ASTC HDR 12x12 block look correct.