CRUSADE OF CORAGE - Action Adventure

Hi Eveyone,

CRUSADE OF CORAGE (working title) Action Adventure Game

Lost Kingdom

More screenshots will follow.


looks a bit like the first gothic series. really loved those games.
im curious how your project with my “scfi weapons” pack looks like :wink:
, would like to see a video.

Hi Mister-D,

I have only yesterday ported my other “Shooter” project using your Sci-Fi weapons pack to Unity 2020 and have started updating it today…

Its a big one at aroud half a million objects. I will have some screen shots before I can get a video done as it takes such a long time to get around to completing even one level being very complex too. Start of that game is based in the future and it becomes more Sci-Fi oriented as it progresses. There is already a thread at these forums for it but its way outdated and much has been updated since I originally posted it. I will indeed also try and get a video ouput as soon as possible and will keep you updated.

Kind regards


The Land Bridge

