Crush with Cyrillic symbols

I’m from Russia, how is written under my photo.
Many more of my friend (and don’t friends, but from East Europe too) wait for Unity for Windows and has a Cyrillic character set on the own computers. Well, what’s happend :
Unity player (browser and other) always crushed when somebody try to lunch it from folder, which have some cyrillic symbols in path. For example (if you have Cirrylic Charset installed on your machine, you’ll see what I wrote, other wise you’ll see just some Hieroglyph)

This way is OK :
C:\My Unity Folder\My Unity Project
But this way is road to crush:
C:\Мой Юнити\My Unity Project

Strange. I surely remember fixing problems with non-ascii characters. Maybe they somehow crept back in.

Did you report a bug (Help → Report a problem)? Problems are very easily forgotten when they are on the forum only.

Ok. I’ll report by “Help → Report a problem”.

I don’t know way, but my bug reporting system does not respons after I press Submit button. May be I send report, but may be not.

Just tested reporting a bug and at the time of this post it’s still working…

My reporter s still working almost 2 hours ;0)
But, I warry about my main problem - about Cyrrilic symbols in application starting path.
This incompatibility can become the big problem for working out of the programs focused on East European market.