cs 8025 parsing error help

public class Openworld : MonoBehaviour
{ IEnumerator OnTriggerEnter();}

{AsyncOperation async = Application.LoadLevelAdditiveAsync("Openworld");
	yield return async;

I’ve been getting a parsing error and it is just frustrating the heck out of me. I know it involves the brackets but I’ve been trying to fix it for an hour now and keep getting back where I started. Some help would be obliged.

You should do some research on when and where to use brackets. I would also recommend indenting things inside of other things to show layers. This will help you to stay organized and figure out what’s going on when you have much more complex scripts. Here’s a chunk of script (for a healthpack) I wrote. Don’t mind what’s inside, just notice how you can see what’s inside of what.

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class HealCapsule : MonoBehaviour {

	public float healValue;
	public Character HP;
	public GameObject Checkpoint;
	void Start(){
		HP = GetComponent<Character>();

	void Update(){
		HP = GetComponent<Character>();

	void OnTriggerEnter(Collider _other){
		if(_other.gameObject.tag == "Player"){
			Character theCharacter = _other.gameObject.GetComponent<Character>();