So this is a C# warning I get in Unity but not in VS, and only with some of the scripts I wrote with purposefully uninitialized public fields (not even all of them!).
Assets\Scripts\Tabs\Takeout\AddPlace.cs(7,24): warning CS0649: Field 'AddPlace.key' is never assigned to, and will always have its default value null
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
class AddPlace : MonoBehaviour
public InputField input;
public string url, key;
public TakeoutLoader loader;
public void OnClick()
loader.postRequest = true;
loader.url = url;
loader.formData = new JSONLoader<Takeout>.Field[] { new JSONLoader<Takeout>.Field(key, input.text) };
input.text = string.Empty;
loader.formData = new JSONLoader<Takeout>.Field[] { };
As far as I know, Unity shouldn’t mind missing initializations, as long as the fields in question are serialized…
Also, I find it particularly weird that this happens only with the very last C# scripts I’ve written so far. Could there have been some troubles with their importation/linking to the project?
Thanks in advance!