CS1003 Problem

Hey! Im coding a game basicly hill climb racing from this youtube video

And it isent working, any help?

public class Carcontrols : MonoBehaviour{

    public Rigidbody2D backtier;
    public Rigidbody2D fronttier;
    public float speed = 20;
    private float movement;

    void Start(){
    }    void Update(){
    movement = Input.GetAxis ;Horizonatal;

backTier.AddTorque movement"speed*   Time.fixedDeltaTime();";
frontTier.AddTorque movement"speed* Time.fixedDeltaTime();"   

So you know, CS1003 isn’t something of any importance to anyone so there’s no need to post it here. What is important however is the text description you get including both the line and column number it tells you. You didn’t post this.

Regardless, did you look at line 16, 21 or 22 above? It’s not C#, I’m not sure what it is, so are you asking something else such as a good tutorial on C#? You could try this one: Junior Programmer Pathway - Unity Learn

If you are copying code from the tutorial above then you simply need to go back to the tutorial and follow it carefully. Nobody on the forum can do that for you. :slight_smile:

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