csharp-ls not working with unity

So I’ve been recently trying to setup neovim for working with unity. I installed csharp-ls as the language server, which I tested with a regular dotnet project, which worked fine.

The problem is, when I try to use this for a Unity project (even a brand new one) it seems that it does not properly load assembly references or something, as I get errors such as “Could not find type or namespace System”. I also could not get omnisharp-roslyn to work in neovim

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Hi , i ve setup my system for neovim development with unity on windows with csharp-ls using this simple bat script wt "nvim %~1 %2"script (NOTE : wt - windows terminal i think it can be anything what can run nvim)

and choose it as external editor like this

the only minus is you should regenerate project files on new script added by VS studio or some other editor

like this , hope it helps)