CSO618 warning notification for loading function

So right now I’m coding for a save and load function and this is my first experience coding ever. The save function works fine it’s the loading that is causing the problem. I’m using a youtube playlists by HardlyBriefProgramming, it’s a 74 video playlist called Make An RPG. I’ve checked every letter and punctuation for everything multiple times. The function is supposed to have a load button which it does, but every time it’s pressed it creates another game object. Also the game is automatically loading the previous file without having to press load. When I click the button that checks for errors it says zero errors but 1 warning for this code:
It says that the warning is CSO618 saying that the code is obsolete and to use SceneManager.LoadScene but no matter where i change it it says the SceneManager does not exist. Please help I’m stuck, thanks in advance.

In the unity 5 update they changed Application.LoadLevel to SceneManager.LoadScene So in your script instead of

Application.LoadLevel("Level 1");


SceneManager.LoadScene("Level 1")


using UnityEngine.SceneManagement;

at the very top of your script.