ctx.renderContext.Cull() without additional camera in Scene?

I tried to create ScriptableCullingParameters by myself, but after calling renderContext.Cull() I get an error A valid camera must be specified to provide for per-camera intermediate renderers & LOD fade. I also tried to copy some minimum params (isOrthographic, cullingMatrix, origin, cullingOptions, cullingPlaneCount, SetCullingPlane()) from ScriptableCullingParameters from my camera after TryGetCullingParameters() of course, just for test.

Then I decided to get these params from ctx.hdCamera.camera and change some params there like: cameraPosition, isOrthographic, cullingMatrix.
But I found a crash and reported it: CASE IN-90931.
It’s when you try to call renderContext.Cull() with ScriptableCullingParameters from ctx.hdCamera.camera in custom pass without changing any parameters there:

if (ctx.hdCamera.camera.TryGetCullingParameters(out ScriptableCullingParameters paramsTest))

Is it possible to use ctx.renderContext.Cull() without additional camera in scene?
If I can create ScriptableCullingParameters by myself, how should i do this?